I have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type and honestly I hate to glorify bad behaviour but I love mania rn I’m bored of life a bit and I am thinking of quitting my mood stabilizers but I know I’ll crash into psychosis is it normal for when your stable to wanna manic for me I feel almost like what I’ve heard people describe speed I’ve never done speed but my thoughts go really fast I get a lot of ideas I feel almost like I’m in heaven then I crash hard really really hard
I love mania. It’s freakin amazing. Until it isn’t. And the isn’t ALWAYS happens, and is worse than the mania is good.
Plus, I annoy people when I’m manic.
I have to agree. Mania is amazing until it’s over and you have to deal with the consequences of your actions
And for me, even more so, the pain of the crash.
I’ve been lucky with that. When I come down from mania I tend to hit baseline again, not a crash. But I always hate cleaning up after myself trying to fix everything I’ve done while manic
You’re definitely lucky.
I like my mania, but there’s always that voice in the back of my head saying “man, are you ever gonna get it later!”
Awww… that ruins it! I’m usually so far gone, that doesn’t happen. I wish it did! Would probably save my ass.
The worst part for me is when I don’t lose all insight, so I can see myself doing terrible, dangerous things and I’m in the back of my own mind like “Stop, why are you doing that, you are going to wreck everything!”
i make myself manic all the time lol. before i make music sometimes ill down like 2-3 coffees in one go. puts me in overdrive and inspires no music…i know its bad for mental health but oh well
Hyped up on caffeine is not the same as being manic.
I love being a little pure hypomanic, not mixed.
Having full blown mania and mixed episodes is downright dangerous for me.
I will lose all insight and become psychotic.
It’s best that I don’t flirt with the idea of becoming manic.
I would strongly advise against it. Not because euphoria is bad but because the consequences for doing something bad in that state are greater for schizophrenics than for the general population.
@Newlyborn, you’ve got to be one of the handsomest men I’ve ever seen. And no, this old woman is not hitting on you. Just paying a compliment.
I have put myself into hypomania purposefully. I just need to stay up all night to do it. I don’t get bad mania, just hypo. It’s nice to get things done for once. It never lasts long, I wish it would go on for at least a week.
Ooh- that works??
For me it does. I get super tired, then get a second wind and most of the time hypomania. But, it isn’t the best way to go about taking care of yourself.
No, but the hypomania is handy. I definitely miss mine.
I have to agree with this. Or sometimes when I am manic at first I feel awesome, and then after a few days of not sleeping, a couple of thousand dollars spent on some stupid world saving idea, I have enough insight to recognize that I’m not making good choices, and proceed to make more bad decisions to rectify the previous bad decisions even though I know the new bad decisions won’t help.
At first I feel like I could punch the moon out of the sky, but after the first couple of days I feel awful and just want to come back down.