Is it ever going to be possible

To come off my meds again like I did after my first three years of my sza? I was off meds for five years but had to go on them again. Couldn’t come off them since as I relapsed each time I went off them. Been on them again since seven years ago.

Would it ever be possible to recover again and come off meds again - or does the more relapses I have mean I need to be on them for life? I do accept this but just curious to know…

If the first time didn’t work you’ll need meds for life sadly.


Also the brain gets addicted to meds so the longer you take meds the harder it is to come off them. I relapsed after a year the 1st time I stopped meds. Now I get symptoms very fast just by reducing my dose.

Yeah, if it didn’t work the first time, I doubt it’s ever going to work.


Im scared about this too… was on meds for 10 years with no psychosis… stopped the antipsychotic about six months ago… started an antidepressant few weeks back and few days in I couldn’t sleep one night… Next day I had a psychotic episode… I have a feeling ill be back on antipsychotics soon
…which is not what I want but it has to be done .

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