Is everybody fighting right now or is all in my head?

I seriously cant tell. I know these paragraphs mean something but i cant get it.

do you mean you think people argue here? yes, it is very prevalent.

That’s not good. That’s not what this about.

I think people mean well, but it is a real drag on the emotional basis of the threads when people are arguing. I used to do quite a bit of it when I gave a damn, the only thing that really gets me going these days is non med compliancy. People take your meds !!

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What I came for an argument

Oh I’m sorry this abuse

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I think it’s a lot more mellow and less hazardous than other places on the Internet.

Gotta make a point sometimes.


I’m not faulting anybody here. You are correct somebody who is behaving badly. I’m just out of it and have to get on a bus and cross town cause my brother asked me to walk is dogs. This place just ussualy has very positive vibes.

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People don’t argue much here. It’s a matter of presenting your opinion. Disagreement isn’t argument.


How you doin lagoon? I’m thinking about checking out Seattle sometime soon.

Some people don’t like the rain but I love it!

I was raised in Ketchikan Alaska

Hanging in there just got a beautiful new couch practically brand new by the dumpsters :slight_smile: I love but I might sell it.

That’s Seattle is a good place to live. I got my childhood dog in Kake.

God willing I may be there someday soon, pray for me please.

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I will pray for you @petester

Yeah people don’t agree much :slight_smile:

You should watch some of woody Allen and his early movies. ‘Hannah and her sisters’ or ‘Manhatten’

What a torrent of opinion and conjecture that is.

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I’ll check it out. I saw Celebrity ages ago.