Is anyone preoccupied with extreme religiosity?

I became religious through my extreme delusions and psychosis. Has this happened to anyone else?

me personally I lost my faith since at one point I was wondering is I was the messiah when my psychiatrist asked me that. But I admire spiritual people.

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Iā€™ve been close to that, I think that Iā€™m talking with Jesus a lot, when really itā€™s just thought broadcasting.

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Nope (fifteen characters).

A few of us got to be jesus though


Higher power helps with addictions. Not much else.


It happened to me

Oh yes. I have spoken & argued with many in my hallucinogenic visuals.

I have learned to die down these experiences and force everyone in the experience to just realize that deep down we are all human. Iā€™m sure there are hierarchies in some way, shape, or form operating within the conscious collective of all humans, but until proven otherwise, I am not going to bow down to certain authorities.

I have, and always will, be for social equaility.

Im the opposite im preoccupied with NOT being religious even though my morals are pretty much the same as REAL practicing Christians I donā€™t identify myself by my morals.

Im not one of those Christians that expects preferential treatment just for living by functionable moral values.

Iā€™m a practising Muslim, but it has nothing to do with my psychosis. When I hear voices it is non-religious. Iā€™m not as strict a Muslim as my husband, but I grew up with a fear of God so I am law-abiding, following Islamic law.

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my delusions however have a lot of religious themes from the bible. I donā€™t know why, itā€™s kinda bizarre. Iā€™m gonna ask my psychiatrist about this.

Yeah, delusions made me religious, but iā€™m not really

Nope. Not religious. Non believer in fact. Despite all the whacky things I went through in psychosis. I do believe the world is a bit stranger than it looks though.

Yes Iā€™ve been preoccupied with this but not so much anymore. I once believed the abrahamic god (Christian, Jewish and Muslim) was real but that he was in fact more like a demon than a god. More specifically an evil demiurge. That delusion didnā€™t last very long though and Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not preoccupied with religion anymore.

My immediate family isnā€™t religiousā€¦

But as I got worseā€¦ Iā€™d say I got more spiritual.

After some manic hits and some epiphanies and revelationsā€¦ and other ā€œspiritualā€ out of body experiencesā€¦ I did get preoccupied with Buddhism and got very adamant about living a Zen life.

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