I’m having an ok day today so far. Is anybody having a good day today, and what made you have a good day today?
I think I had a good day today.
One of those people did send people to my house today. But, the person close to me said that today was good timing because covid is beginning to spike locally. I think they may get it now.
I had a good day because my sza took a back seat. Had a little anxiety when going out but not so bad like usual. Read and cooked nice lunch and chatted with hubby. Cleaned toilets for first time in about two weeks.
Yes I’ve had a good day so far. I went on a hike to a waterfall with my step son, later when he’s done with his homework we’re gonna carve his giant pumpkin
I bet I made an elderly lady’s day. She owed about $180,000 in back taxes but is a widow and on Social Security.
I closed her case as currently not collectible unable to pay. I put a letter in the mail for her today after I called and told her the good news.
Merry Christmas from the government.
I had a good day today because I’m stable.
Well, I got out. I slept in which I’m trying to avoid, but I had my therapist appointment and then I went to the park for an hour and then to see my nutritionist.
The funny thing was that I got confused and I thought my appointment was to get a complete physical check-up. So I showered and wore loose clothing and drove way across town the whole time dreading this physical.
But when I got to the clinic, my nutritionist walks out and I realized I was confused. My physical is next week and today was to see my nutritionist. I didn’t mind at all, my nutritionist is this gorgeous latina lady who’s the spitting image of Salma Hayak. Just beautiful and the visit went well even though I didn’t hear a word she said because I was too busy staring for thirty minutes.
Hi Jake, I had a pretty good day because I didn’t really hear any voices and I got a kick ass classic AC/DC CD.
That’s an arabic name.
OK, maybe that too.
I visited a friend and then had lots of rest and eventually I got a couple of things done too
I had a pretty good day. I’m just chillin now.
So far so good.
I made something and met ladies I love.
I also bought a few things and bought a beautiful vegan nachos.
It’s just amazing.love it.
Hope it doesn’t go soggy as I’m saving it for dinner.
I had a pretty good day watched Narcos , sat on my porch it was really nice out today and talked with my Mom
Where you at in it? There is Narcos Cali and Narcos Mexico other than Narcos Pablo Escobar.
I watched Narcos Cali and Pablo Escobar now I’m watching Narcos Mexico good stuff!
Yea I loved them all. I am waiting for a new one but not sure if there will be. I read that one of Narcos filmmakers was murdered in Mexico. Like wtf I think he went to mexican mafia territories.
Maybe the mexican mafia didn’t like that they made a movie about them.
It snowed today. I got out for a couple of walks and enjoyed it, caught some flakes on my tongue. It’s nice to be able to find things to enjoy about the moment you’re in.
That’s awful they have to be careful down in Mexico he probably got killed from a drug cartel