(Ireland) Woman (66) died of total organ failure three months after starting on Ozempic to lose weight

Ireland :ireland:

Paywalled but you get the gist.


My good god. I was on it for a year. I’ve lost weight. Still not where I want to be but I came off it about 2 months ago. Now I hear all these stories I likely wouldn’t touch it again.


Pfft. A lot of people on these drugs are like me. Very complex health histories. Ozempic was probably a domino, but no guarantee it was the first one. It has been proven to be a very safe drug with low risks so far. It’s not NO risk, but the benefits outweigh the risks for me.

Gotta love this alarmist crap. Talk to a doctor, don’t go by Net headlines that are 95% clickbait.


Here’s more on the inquest

You’re supposed to discontinue the drug if you have persistent vomiting. ANY vomiting has to be reported, it means you’re not tolerating the drug well at all. Idiot.

@everhopeful but why?!?!

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Professor Eustace said that in his clinical opinion the proximate cause of death on the case was “hypovolemic acute kidney injury associated with use of Ozempic, an angiotensin receptor blocker (Losartin) and non steroidal agents and with a resultant severe Metformin induced lactic acidosis.”

Professor Eustace said that Ozempic associated euglycemic ketoacidosis and a urinary tract infection were possible “contributing features” in the case.


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I was vomiting at night for two years before I got diagnosed with a sliding hiatus hernia

Scary stuff that it was allowed to go on for that amount of time

Could have been a drug like you say

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When you go on this stuff they are very clear about how it can shut down your digestive tract and that other organs will start to fail if you don’t get help. There are clear warning signs and when you see them you reach out. The problem is that people get scared they will be taken off the med if they report problems so they try and hide them and then complications happen and start to snowball. I have been following these cases and this is the pattern.

People who aren’t on this med don’t realize how amazing it is to suddenly have a normal (compared to others who are healthy) appetite and what the medication means to us psychologically. There is huuuuuge resistance to having to report any problems in case your miracle gets taken away from you. If you DO have the serious side-effects appear you absolutely cannot just wait them out because they are deadly serious.

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my mom is on ozempic and her a1c is lower than mine now and i dont even have diabetes

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I think ozempic is a good drug for those who genuinely need it. But it’s being marketed on social media as a get-skinny-quick miracle drug.

I saw an ad the other day for ozempic that said “ditch the dad bod”. Or something like that. Really? I should go on a drug that could potentially kill me to “ditch the dad bod”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: .

It’s irresponsible how they’re marketing it. It should be reserved for those whose weight gain problems outweigh the risks of them taking such a drug. Not just for anyone who wants to get ripped and has some cash on hand.

It is and it isn’t. If you live on crackers and chocolate and are sendentary it won’t do a damn thing for you. It’s nice to have a smaller appetite and not deal with late night snack cravings, but I still have to eat a healthy diet and exercise every day. It in no way lets me shed weight while living on fast food from 7-11.

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I see dude true… The thing is I don’t mean it’s actual effectiveness I mean the actual ad I saw for it. I’m sure you still gotta work for it even on ozempic. Not saying people on it don’t work hard. But was a little taken back by the way it was marketed. I think it was an online drug prescription company that was trying to sell it to be fair not the ozempic company itself but still… cheesy of them.

Why are you watching stuff with ads? d00000d. They’re for old people.

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Found it

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I’m not surprised they’re pushing it, but I don’t think people should be put on this stuff until they have tried to lose weight without drugs first.


Im very overweight since starting antipsychotics

Ive got a normal appetite now on this current med

Ive even managed to reduce calories and have lost 2 stone (28 lbs) in a year

I do a little exercise but not much, im determined to lose weight over the next 5 years. Slow and steady for me

Im not tempted to go on ozempic etc because my appetite is small, so no need

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Total organ failure sounds severe. So all her organs failed. That’s quite a lot

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