Involuntary jaw movement

Just wondering if anybody has this involuntary jaw movement as I have, when I think my jaw starts moving, it is in my brain.

Thats Tarditive Dyskinesia, you might want to switch meds quick. Abilify is the worst drug for Tarditive Dyskinesia. Its supposedly permanent, but mines gone down a lot. I was smashing my teeth against each other really bad and chipped a few. I clench my teeth involuntarily but it went down in the month in a half of taking it.

There is no cure for TD except DBS surgery which is 50,000-100,000 dollars to perform and installs a pacemaker in your brain. This surgery has a risk of seizures the rest of your life.

I think what happens in TD is its the motory parts of your brain dying off, so the sooner you switch or stop meds the better.

L:owest TD risk medication is Clozapine which will apparently has its own problems including loss of blood to the intestinal lining, low white blood cell count, and even heart failure.

If it feels like you just have to move then it could be Tarditive Akasthia which isnt permanent, if its doing it on its own then its serious and you should worry about it

If I drink to much caffeine my mouth does all kinds of things. To me its like pacing back and forth. I dont know if the effect can also be attributed to the anti psychotic

I do not think that this my Tarditive Dyskinesia is my current meds related because I had it before I started using meds, maybe my brain has been dying off long time.

Talk to your doctor right away.

This problem is already known by my psych unit, I think I developed the problem during my 2-year stay in my automobile in America, it is a quite disturbing problem, because people see it when I talk with them, when I have sometimes been in some places, I have tried not to show it, but can not control my brain, some people may have thought I am chewing something when I am not.

it can get much worse and Tarditive dyskinesia can spread to your internal organs making it impossible to go to the bathroom or making your lungs move so its hard to breath. 50% of people with this disease kill themselve because they find it so hard to live with it

Imagine trying to live your life with your eyes rolling up every second of the day. what medicine sre you taking? certain meds are better for you if you stop and switch medicines quick it can go away.

Could it be a habit that you developed? Some habit or ticks can be hard to break. I have a bad habit of sucking on my teeth. Started 13 years ago when I was using drugs. 12 years clean but I still struggle with this habit. It gets worse when I’m stressed. I agree that it doesn’t sound like TD.

No it is not a habit I developed, it is just in my brain, but it is in my control, I do not think my meds cause it, because I started much earlier than I started taking meds, I do not think it spreads to my internal organs, I have a blood test in this week to follow up some medication I started taking in May, the system works great.


Hi, MJSEU, I’m Crose.

I just wanted to talk to you a little bit because I have the same problem and it started before I was diagnosed. The jaw clenching, on my end, goes in time to the syllables of the words the voices are saying, and the words I am saying. It seems to be involuntary. Do you hear voices? If so, do you write down (transcribe) what they are saying and your responses? That’s what I do, when I am hearing them. It seems so real. I don’t believe I have tarditive dyskinsea, though. My mouth remains closed while I am clicking my teeth and it is in time to the syllables from the voices, so I thought initially that it must be neurological. I don’t know. I’ve seen videos on youtube of tartitive dyskinsea and it doesn’t seem to match what I have. Thanks for your response. If you do hear voices, I would be curious to know if you answer them or if you make any notes about what is being said and what the nature of the conversations are about. Thanks!

I started hearing voices in 1998 when I was in America. I had voices such as ‘You are with the Devil’ and things like that. My voices were quite bad in 1999 as my delusions were too. I wrote these in my notebooks. I thought that satellites were following me and communicating to me. Currently I have good meds, but I still hear voices occasionally, I try to ignore them and sometimes I write them down in my notebooks. I try not to respond to these voices, although sometimes I laugh alone when voices are funny. I do not think I have tartitive dyskinsea, but my involuntary jaw movements are still neurological.

Hi @mjseu, I am also writing in teeth but I don’t hear voices. I have intrusives thoughts written in my teeth and I reply by the same method.

‘writing in teeth’ I do not understand, I write things in my paper notebooks. I started using paper notebooks in 1999 because I did not want to write my notes in any digital systems. Yesterday I wrote 5 pages at least.

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Yes, as I write in paper, I also writing words in my teeth. Not by hand in my teeth but write in teeth by jaw movements.

So you keep a pen in your teeth and then you write. ??? This sounds weird.

No you don’t understand me. That is writing by movement of jaw in teeth. I developed it after my second episode maybe more than 15 years ago. Pen is not required for it.

I would like to know more about what the voices are saying to you and I would be happy to share what they are saying to me. If you are interested :slight_smile: