Invega Insomnia

Did anyone else suffer from insomnia as a result of coming off of invega sustenna injections.

If so how long did the insomnia last for and what did it look like?

Please help. I havent been able to nap or sleep well in months now.


Injections stay in your body a long time be patient you will return to normal eventually

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I have insomnia while on invega. I have for 4 years now. Did you have trouble sleeping on it?

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Even past 5 months? Like the weird thing is it didnt happen for the first three months after the injection. Now its happening all of a sudden.

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It depends on how long you were on it but you could be having insomnia for other reasons idk

Im not able to take naps anymore and i have difficulty falling asleep.

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I had trouble after I received my first shot, insomnia and vivid dreams. Im fine now and still on the shot.

How long did you have insomnia for?

I have the same thing from risperidone which is similar to invega. I’m glad I never went on the injection. I’m wondering the same thing as you. If my sleep will go back to normal. I’ve been off of risperidone for a month & have yet to get my sleep back

Oh yeah I can’t nap anymore either. I’m really upset about that part of it

i had insomnia when i first switch to invega from olanzapine. but taking benztropine for an unrelated thing has made it so that i can get decent sleep time,
i think this is because olanzapine has anticholinergic properties, invega does not, but benztropine is a anticholinergic

I’m on invega hafyera 1560 mg every six months and my sleep is good for the most part. I sleep in phases but I generally get my needed rest.

About 2 months then it just went away.

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