Interviews for jobs

Hey guys, just thought i’d update you guys if you want to know i had a job interview today and it went pretty good i think, there was 2 positions available for cafe work, 4-8 hrs and i said i’d prefer 8hrs, (i can do with the extra money) anyway i hear about if i get it soon, the fact i have a car is a huge bonus i think bc it means i can do deliveries so i’m keeping my fingers crossed,

I also applied for an assistant carer and i should be guaranteed an interview then i have a possible dog walking thing that might work and a shop assistant.

wheels seem to be in motion and i hope at least one of these things will stick and i am able to do it properly without too much hardship


Good luck daydreamer.

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Yeah good luck @Resilient1!

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Yes. Good luck. Let us know what happens.

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Good luck, my friend

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Good luck @Resilient1!

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Good luck! Hope you get it.

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Thanks guys, getting a job would mean so much to me, the interview was really good bc they knew i had a mental illness but they were looking at what i could do and not what i couldnt do, looking at my qualities and not my hangups,

I have proved myself to be reliable in the kitchen anyway as i help out at the clubhouse taking orders and doing dishes, etc so i think it is doable, i am a bit worried about my anxiety but i think i should get some breaks.


Best of luck! 151515

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i didnt get it but i think i’d rather get the other one as a carer, i applied for a shop assistant today as well.

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well done daydreamer…good luck to u

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Good luck on the jobhunt :slight_smile:
It’s good that you’re taking the initiative!

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i’ve been trying to get a job for so long and at one point i was ready to give up hope. it is very hard to get a small hours job when you have had a mental illness,

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