Interview and questionnaire assessment of cognitive impairment in subjects at ultra-high risk for psychosis: Associations with cognitive test performance, psychosocial functioning, and positive symptoms

My cognitive performance increased when I first went on meds. Thought blocking and a blank mind are a symptoms of Sz and may be lessened with meds.

Description of the change’s nature that has occurred in the self-knowledge data (personal beliefs) as a cognitive deficiency (perceptual impairment) is considered a wrong defining / determining for the basic nature of the change

The level of change that has occurred in the self-convictions is considered the culmination of what can happen from a change to a thing,event,case,condition, a state,process or phenomenon related our human nature

It is virtually impossible to find a patterns of change in a condition similar to the change that sz’s pathogen (hallucination) induces in the basic personal beliefs /self-convictions

The nature of change is considered match smarter than the intuition involved in any theoretical models,and understanding the change’s nature is a blatant challenge to the elites of human genius in all fields of knowledge

In the conviction of 99% of the human census,the reality of the actual change that sz’s pathogen induces remains implausible,because it is seems as a mutation in the self-convictions that impossible to happen in the individual or / collective level

The nature of the change
A concerted series of new processes that ultimately lead to the use of self-knowledge units in producing a new behavioral responses towards the self,the others and most daily life events outside all possible rational expectations (outside the logic of potential right / wrong ) ,especially regard with the observations,analyzes,perceptions and conclusions of any external observer

First of all,a distinction must be made between the actual reality of sz condition and the data of the theoretical hypothesis

In reality,the sz causes a malicious falsification of the self-convictions inits which is known by the term "cognitive deficiency " or " cognitive impairment " or delusional beliefs
While the theoretical hypothesis on contrary,it is assumed that the cognitive impairment causes the sz condition and its symptoms !!

During the effect of the psychotic factor ( functional cause of sz) on the mental side;
The basic purpose is to change and modify the self-convictions that associated with the mental concept of any idea that was mentally treated and understood in the present time

Therefore the bilateral interaction occurs between the psychotic factor and the data of self-knowledge which be used by the person to understand the reality of any inputs / influence

Regardless the degree of right /wrong in the concept of self-knowledge units ,the pathogen has seeks to modifies the self-convictions of any idea treated mentally even if the concept is wrong or the self-conviction itself ,it modifies its concept to becomes outside the box of the potential right and wrong (far from reality or outside any rational expectations )

So,what is the self-knowledge ?
the detailed content of the cognitive culture units,which acquired with self-experiences /education stages over the years of life about the oneself,others and the world of things

The personal cognitive beliefs about everything
All what has been known by the person about everything throughout all his life stages
The content of the individual memories about anything he knew
The mental symbols that the person keeps them in his memory and using them during his expression about them
the effect focus on the self-knowledge