Cognitive Impairment in Psychosis: What it is and How it's Treated

Among individuals with psychotic disorders, cognitive impairment is among the strongest determinants of the ability to function in the community. Dr. McCleery will review the major areas of research in this area, including efforts to better understand the prevalence of cognitive problems, aspects of cognition that are impacted by psychotic illness, and the developmental course of cognitive impairment. Treatment approaches that aim to improve cognitive performance also will be discussed.

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I do pretty well on cognitive tests, all except for verbal working memory on which I score close to zero. I function pretty poorly with most things like cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene, holding down a job etc. I present well though, and people mistakenly take me as higher functioning than I actually am.

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For me it’s organising,planning non verbal memory,visual memory,and digit symbol substitution. That contrasts with a performance on high range verbal tests that let me be listed on the World genius directory.

Non-verbally I used to be terrible, much of that was due to a ‘defeatist’ attitude. Now I’m reasonably good at pattern recognition(45.5%= 128+), but not very good at mental rotation .

Ya, I’m impaired lol. Can’t do much about it.

I think for me its more my negative symptoms that are impairing me than my cognitive symptoms. I did well in university and got my degree when I was on Abilify as my negative symptoms were a lot better than now on 6mg Risperdal.

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Apart from digit symbol substitution, that I’d not known about till several years after getting online, my cognitive symptoms most definitely pre date becoming mentally ill.

Play this game. If you able to play it very well then you have no working memory issue. Give it a try.

Same app available in appstore also. Free.