Not. Wish I could sleep. I’m new here. Anyone from the states?
Hi lost i am from nepal …good night buddy
Night bro. I’ll be up awhile probably.
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Okay which med are u on…!!
Risperidone wbu
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Same bro rispridral 4 mg every night …!!!
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What are ur symptom…
Paranoia and delusions
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Mine are cognitive and negative…i cant study and work all my life …■■■■■■■ boring…!!!
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Do u work…!!!
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I have some cognitive. It sucks cuz I have a quick mind now it just gets jumbled up usually
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No work atm. Sucks
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How do u spent ur days…@@
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Depressed lol. I clean around the house or watch TV. Nm to do really
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I use to game but that’s not possible atm
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cali here. where in the states you from?
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Oklahoma. I lived n Hollywood in 2011-12. MI.
Why can’t you do it now?
I don’t have internet right now