In some events failure is written, I wish Death ceases to exist and we live in complete harmony forever

In some events failure is written, I wish Death ceases to exist and we live in complete harmony forever.

Not sure I could stand immortality. One gets tired of seeing the same stupid things done over and over again. I’ve reached the age where this is becoming noticeable.


I’d have to be in a REALLY REALLY good place, an impossible place here on this earth to want to stay the same age forever…I enjoy growing older. Maturing, learning, etc… And you can’t keep maturing forever or else you would wither away and die anyways.

If we live forever it’d have to be in paradise. Only in paradise could I want to live forever. And even then i don’t know. I posted about this in the afterlife thread.

I wouldn’t mind being reincarnated as long as it’s karmic…I don’t wanna come back as a dung beetle :laughing:

I was watching a documentary on animals and they talked about dung beetles and my Dad said “that’s probably where you’re reincarnated if you’re bad”

Death is the least of my concerns. I am more concerned that I don’t know what to do with life like as if it has all the energy of an atom but that we are unable to tap into it just for being ignorant of it’s true power. So we just sit around and watch TV a lot.


“Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.” ~ Agent Smith, The Matrix (1999)

Pretty sure I’d have the above issue. I’m a cynic. :wink:


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I would like to live forever in a magical world with a few other people where I can spend all my days watching the trees and flowers grow in the sunshine near my cave by the beach. Every day would be sunny and the nights would never be cold. The water would be warm and clear and no one would be able to procreate. :smile:


Yeah a magical world. Mine is like a farm with corn fields, a stream nearby. I’d live in a big house colonial house with a dreamy atmosphere. All the wine I can drink. Food. Lots of food. Vynyls would be my only way to listen to music. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison would be my neighbors and they’d make new music for me every day. The music they didn’t live old enough to make. The weather would change but the nights would be warm. I could smoke weed like the old days before I got paranoid and anxious from it. No meds. No sz. Oh I could go on. I thought about writing a short story about my idea of paradise/heaven but then I was like nahhhhhhhhhh. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Death is an illusion. Look up quantum immortality.

[quote=“shutterbug, post:2, topic:33405, full:true”]
Not sure I could stand immortality. One gets tired of seeing the same stupid things done over and over again. I’ve reached the age where this is becoming noticeable.

[/quote]My consciousness is more than satisfied seeing the asethetics of nature over & over again. We could be consciously updated from time-to-time and feel more than satiated by nature. It’s breaking free of bad habits & patterns that drags us down.