In 20 minutes I will know whether they accepted me to study

In masters degree.
I am waiting!!! Wish me g luck. :heart:


Good luck. :+1: :four_leaf_clover:

Either way. There are many ways to reach your goal.

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Good luck. Amazing you’ve got to this point with it all so wish you all the best!


So? They accept you?

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They accepted!
But not for free.
A bit sad and happy at the same time.

I’ll be a journalist haha!!


Congratulations :tada::clap:

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Big big thanks to all of you!!

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Desk job or field job? Which one would you prefer, @anon8411913 ?
You can be journalist in either one.

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Field job for sure!!! :slight_smile: @Andrey

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Oh, it means you seek the thrill and adrenaline. Field journalist can be dangerous in some parts of the world.
(Not trying to deter you here, just stating known facts)


In the company that I used to work for we had a book with all the journalists of our company that had died in the field.

Especially if there was a war there would be names added.

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You could write a report about sz :smile:

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