I'm transferring to a 4 year university!

Just got a letter from them saying I was accepted. I’m transferring to the University of Minnesota Twin Cities this fall! Now all I have to do is confirm my intent and go to school. One more step towards a normal life. On a serious note, which major should I choose? I’m going in undecided to the Liberal arts college but I need to choose a major urgently. Anything suggestions are welcome. I’m, looking for something not too math and science intensive and which will translate into a high paying job right out of college.


Congrats @eduvigis

Tell me if i’m wrong, but I feel you’ve come a long way the past year or so.

I think you should major in business of some sort. It’s a little math-y, but you’re smart you can handle it, and it makes good money. Good luck.


Thanks for the well-wishes Jon. I like your suggestion but the truth is I was terrible at economics in high school. Charts and graphs are like a different language to me.


What about teaching, childhood education, counseling or something along these lines? Architecture or multimedia art if you are artsy…



If you want a bachelors degree that will get you the most bang for your buck – I recommend business administration. There’s some math, a little accounting, but nothing too complex.

Best wishes to ya on deciding!

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Congratulations @eduvigis!
I wish you the best!


Maybe I should call you chew?


That is awesome! I suggest taking a ton of interesting electives your first semester so you can figure out where your areas of interest lie. It’s a shame you said no science, because I think you would be great in a research lab of some kind.


I’ve heard that getting an MBA gives you the best bang for your buck out of all degrees. I don’t know how much you dislike math but there is probably less of it than what my degree had. Good luck with it. I hope that you go on to do great things. Did you overcome the alogia?

Edit: after reading the comments everybody else said the same thing


I haven’t overcome alogia unfortunately, but when I type I type normally. I would probably be writing much longer responses if I didn’t suffer so seriously with derailment of the thought process. That’s what I think it is, derailment, possibly not alogia. To the people around me I talk normally, little do they know I used to speak even more fluently, much better in fact than I do now.

What did you get an MBA in? I suspect it was pre-diagnosis, if not good for you. You beat the odds.


congrats on this, eduvigis!


congrats. hope you find a field you feel driven and compelled to excel and make a mark for yourself on this world.

happy for you.



Excellent news!! :tada: It is my strong suggestion to pick a major that will immediately give you a job afterwards. I did neuroscience which meant no job for me unless I did a lot more grad school and I didn’t even want to go into grad school for neuroscience by that point. So now I have to get a nursing degree too so I can start working and live my life.


MAybe medical records technician

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Congratulations and all the best! :slight_smile:

A degree in business administration (BBA) sounds like a good choice to me.


That’s great!

As for degrees, go online and do a job hunt for jobs you think would be a good match for you and see what kind of education they require.

Most probably won’t be specific about the major, except engineering and some health and educational jobs. Engineering is still one of the best fields for getting a good job straight out of college, but there’s no getting around the math.

Make full use of your guidance counselor!


That’s what I’m thinking about getting my degree in – MBA. I read online it’s very versatile, and you don’t even have to work in business with it.


I think you misunderstood me. I said that you should get a MBA degree. I received a masters in physics.

wow! Congratulations. Declare Information technology or computer science for you major

Have you ever met with a speech therapist? Mine had all sorts of exercises I could do to improve my concentration and ability to follow a train of thought. My problems were all with receptive language, though. You would probably do different exercises to work on language production. I don’t know. I’ll probably learn all about it in school. But seeing a speech therapist made a huge difference in my life. I can read books again!

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