I'm thinking of becoming a social recluse

I really hate the society and I want to live alone for the rest of my life, away from everyone.

I’ll never be liked because I have psychotic depression, at least not in my country.

When I get a job, I’ll rent a small apartment and live alone.

Or if I can be on benefits, I want to never go out and surround myself with online friends without having to see anyone.

Life sucks. People are full of hatred and this gives me no reason to love them anymore.
They’re always full of hatred against the mentally ill! NO GOOD PEOPLE AROUND!

Neurotypicals are absolutely horrible because they all hate the mentally ill.


Take it from someone that for the most part has lived on his own. Sooner or later you will crave company. Often I can go a week without speaking to someone in real life. It’s not as easy as you think. You will start to think you got in depth relations with characters off the TV lol.

It’s do able. But your mental health will suffer. Just limit yourself to scenarios like a coffee shop, where you feel more comfortable.

Everybody needs some form of social interaction in person at least now and again.


I realized that complete social isolation is not healthy if you have mental disorders.


yea complete social isolation makes you worse also I noticed. Before last time in the psych ward i lived isolated pretty much completely for a couple years and when i was in the psych ward and interacted with people again I noticed how it had influence my mental being.


Let me amend this to say I like social interaction in the form of restaurant dining.

And that’s about it.


Part of me wants live alone on an island or a biodome on Mars. The other half wants to have a full social life, and one day marriage and a family of my own. This world is evil, but we can still make it better.


I decided to be a hermit (recluse) many years ago and I am one today. I rarely to never go out. I have no friends except my partner and my online friends. It’s the ideal life for me.


social stuff (people) are overrated. Not everyone needs people.

I like people at a distance. Like i have 4 roommates. We say hello whats up sorta stuff then do our own thing mostly. And if i feel like chilling out watching a movie with them ill do that then head back upstairs.


There will be required maintenance guys coming in your apartment. There’s no way to completely avoid contact in life.

Even from a young age I’ve not been a great one for socialising.Being bullied as a teenager and less than successful attempts at socialising have increased the asocial tendency.

Having said that I can get quite down and stressed if I haven’t heard from or seen my stepdaughter for several days.


I dream of becoming a recluse writer that pays the rent and stuff in full. Maybe one day ill get it, but for now i gotta work on my craft if i want to succeed. An apartment with in suite laundry would be good. Get my groceries delivered but also live near a grocery. It sounds nice.


I am very slow socially, I think too much, in contrast my brothers are much more energetic socially and instant with strong emotions and emotional IQ. I suck compared to them. Asociality is a symptom of schizophrenia, part of negative symptoms. Anyways all my social contact now are my family.

I dont hangout with any friend. Before sz I hanged out with tons of friends everyday like 20 friends and had 800 fb friends. I had two sets of friends I hanged out with and I was friends with the friends of my friends and of my brothers lol Sz totally destroyed me.

We used to go to a fancy hotel with girls, put music, play social games, cards, video games, watch movies/tv shows, funny videos, etc, drink, order fancy food by phone and then sleep, we stayed there for 2 days. There was also a swimming pool and a jacuzzi on the rooftop, we swimmed there at night. Those were my days before my sz. Now I am forced to stay in bed all day everyday!

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I am surprised that now I dont even need antidepressants given that my life went from extremly fun to extremely bad.

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I find that being alone all the time is more even keel - every day is 5/10 for me. Not great but not too bad.

When I’m interacting closely with people then one day can be 8/10 and the next one 2/10. Take all the social days together and it’s a 5.5/10 average. So social is slightly better overall but more patchy than solo.

First, I am not sure of the sequence of your first post and this post. They appear adjacent on the queue at this time. I will try to reply.

Hello, concerning the order of this post and the other post, this post was posted yesterday.

I wish you well.

@Aziz I have been reading you posts for weeks and take an interest. If I am not mistaken, you told us you had apathy, nothing to do, no motivation. There may be good reasons, sad to say. Maybe for a while you were incapable of work so you just had to chill out. But I discovered something today. I think I can provide things to do for the mentally ill. I had this great idea for you and others. Take a shower. This is just a little bit of work, but it is so helpful. It cleans the body and clears the mind some too. Tell all your cronies here to take a shower. Talk about it. I am not forcing, but I am trying to make it clear and then it won’t be such a struggle. This is work, just learning to take a shower. Having daily bread will help with the negative symptoms.
You also might want to make your bed.


I may misunderstand but I think you are asking for music.