Because I feel like the only way to avoid hell is to kill myself. Keeping myself alive to go to North Korea will send me to hell. Plus it’s not ethical staying alive.
If you are feeling suicidal or having a mental health crisis, please tell someone — a friend or family member, a teacher, a doctor or therapist or call 911 (if you’re in the U.S.) or the Emergency Medical Services phone number in your country.
You can also call a crisis intervention hotline—these are available in the U.S. and in many other countries. You do not need to be actively suicidal to benefit from a crisis hotline.
International crisis hotlines:
Crisis hotlines in the U.S.:
More resources:
It’s the same old delusion. Is there something you like doing to distract yourself from such thoughts? Watch a movie. Listen to some music. Trouble is when your not doiing much you focus totally on strange thoughts…It’s not real.
Those posts don’t help
We are obliged to do what we can. It’s important to talk to someone else in your circle. Ideation isn’t good in our population.
I understand. Yeah I guess distracting myself is a good idea.
And…keep busy. If your not working you need to find things to occupy your time so your not in your head so much. I know it’s tough. It really is with sz and delusions are so seductive but you know deep down it’s not likley and sometimes you see you must be ill with something…It’s schizophrenia and your not the only one who has thought such things.
The thing is is I don’t think I would ever do it but I think about it a lot.
Yeah I know you do and it’s interfering with you living life…that is the issue.
Meds help but not all but still. You stay on them. Report symptoms especially delusions and you make changes in your routines to overcome this. I’ve been there. It took me some time to get the meds right but besides some residual paranoia and stress I do ok.
As I have said. Keep busy. Find things you like doing and do them. I don’t work as I’m on disability but I volunteer and it’s rewarding. It keeps me busy and I don’t think so much about all those weird thoughts…and they are weird thoughts that even you can see sometimes.
What do you mean by see? I hope I haven’t distressed you.
Sometimes you come here and say your over those thoughts and delusions. Then later your back to square one. All’s I’m saying. Even deep down you must think it’s totally bogus and irrational but that is sz. It makes unrealities real to you. Thus why it’s a delusion because your on the only one who sees it.
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