I feel at the end of my rope.
Don’t want to be a downer. Just needed to get that out.
Sorry to hear that. What’s bothering you?
I’m sick all the time. Can’t keep down my meds so often. I’m tired of feeling depressed. I’m also tired of being unsure of what is true and what isn’t.
Maybe you should ask for an antidepressant. I know about not being sure of things.
I take an antidepressant but not sure how much it helps since I often can’t keep it down.
I haven’t had that problem with keeping my meds down. Have you asked a doctor about it. I knew a woman I used to work with years ago who had this problem.
I’m getting sent for a colonoscopy.
I’ve been tired of my arthritis hurting, but it’s gotten better since my doctor prescribed Meloxicam. So things can get better.
I hear you struggling. My twenties were awful, but the last many decades have been relatively sweet.
Sending you hugs @fatmama
Hey. It’ll get better. Just one foot in front of the other and work slowly on the things you can achieve. You’ve plenty on your plate but chip away at things so they don’t overwhelm you. Your a good person and you’ve so much positive in your life. It will get better.
ah yea struggling is hard… i did it for a long time but it did get better over time for me. I hope it will get better for you too
Im tired to. This illness is so draining
I’m sorry @FatMama . I’m tired of struggling too.
Very very tiring
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