I'm really sensitive to coffee ☕. I'm glad I gave it up

I was over at my brother’s house last Sunday and had coffee there. I had 2 strong espresso type coffees.

I still don’t feel like myself today, Thursday. It completely messes with me.


Coffee makes you poop.


I’m so sorry to hear this.

I would be devastated if I couldn’t handle coffee.


I have a coffee perculator set up my by sofa on an alexa smart plug lol. So when i say “morning” the lights go on and the tv - and it brews my coffee. Couldnt do without my Columbian lol.


I had six cups of coffee yesterday and I feel good today


I’m terrified of having an Alexa in my house, but I must say – this is rather fantastic!!


I couldn’t imagine living without my coffee. I subsist on it!


I’ve cut down on regular coffee.
I’ll now have 2 cups of regular coffee in the morning.
The rest of the day I’ll drink a couple of cups of decaf.

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I’m having my fourth cup. I’m saying f u c k it, I won’t have any sleep this night.

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I don’t think coffee affects me as much since I started aps. I used to get wired and jittery off of a couple cups. Now I don’t notice much. I like it though and still drink it.

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Coffee makes me agitated and irritable. Its not the caffeine as even 1000mg caffeine pills didn’t make me agitated or irritable. Its a mystery whats doing this in the coffee.

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