I'm on the brink of an episode

Voices, many voices, eloquent voices, ideas, irrational ideas, confusion, chaos, sensory overload

Maybe I should call my psychiatrist before it gets out of hand. But a part of me is curious to see how it will be

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Do you have any PRN that you could take?

Can you ring someone ?

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Yes, clozapine as prn. I take 300, so I must take 400

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I hope you get ahold of your pdoc. I know how uncomfortable that is.damn voices.

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If you’re curious then it isn’t painful. Is that right?

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Ring your psychiatrist too. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

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No, it’s painful. Very much. But a part of me wants to get through the episode as I am, without external help or meds

That’s a tendency we have - fearing intervention. I hope you choose to phone your pdoc.

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At this point I would like a hospital to treat me. But hospitals are far from here and there’s no one to drive me. I can’t drive right now

@Om_Sadasiva You sound more normal right now then I’ve heard you in other times…Although its still good to check in with your supports and ask them what they think.

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I write things, I write things down,

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I can’t understand what I’m writing, but i keep on writing

Call your psychiatrist immediately.
You don’t want to be hospitalized.

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If your violent and suicidal call an ambulance 911 or the emergency number in your country.

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Yeah call an ambulance. It seems like an urgency.

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Sorry to hear it. You were doing so well with no negative symptoms. I feel slightly paranoid. Going to up my meds.

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Sensory overload equalsGo into a dark room with the lights off.

O my I felt something coming on which is why I suddenly started coming here.

Which should get me a clue to just Double up on meds but will I ever learn?

O no the police became involved but my son talked them out of it. Just double up. Well it’s been a while but I always forget the same lessons since things get less clear.

Curiosity killed the cat.
Don’t play with fire because it will burn you bad.
Past lessons learned and burned.

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