I honestly would rather die than have people in my house other than my ex husband and kids.
are you talking about living in a group home isn’t possible for you then? I wondered about those housing you showed the other day…is that what you are referring to?
I don’t like people at my house either
I want to live there and I’ve filled out the application with my mental health worker and she brought it in last week. Its just a waiting game.
does that jive with the point that you don’t like people in your space? won’t you have neighbors at those housing? sorry, just curious…don’t want you to move somewhere you would be unhappy.
I think maybe an apartment would be easier than a house. I’m not sure if that’s the case. I really feel anxious when people are around.
I live in a humble little house with three large dogs and Angie. The last time I lived in an apartment I was suicidal. I couldn’t stand living in an apartment complex…I had no hope so it was hard at that time in like 2003. anyways, I like my little house…no one ever bothers us except for solicitors …I want to put a no solicitor sign on my door…
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