I'm giving it all I've got Captain

Gawd. Somehow picked up a bit of the flu. I’m sure it’s not coronavirus because I drink XXXX…yeah cheap dig but you’ve got to have a crack…So. Honestly haven’t been drinking much alcohol at all and been doing all the good things and somehow got the flu…

Last two days have been hell and I actually had a day off from my volunteer work today to rest. I think I’ve turned a corner but I’m not such a believer in the flu shot but I’m rethinking that…How many of you get the flu shot every year and do you think it helps you?

Seriously. I was hella sick and I don’t like that. First time in a while but if the flu shot takes the edge off of that I’m in…Your input is appreciated…


I was offered the flu shot but I said no.

I might do it next year though.

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Getting a flu shot won’t do anything for the flu symptoms you’re currently experiencing; you just have to ride it out at this point.

yeah matey it’s why I ask the question…Will a flu shot help me in future not get so sick…I’m a riding the wave captain…

It’s probably too late for this year’s flu, but maybe get a flu shot next flu season. Flu season here starts in the fall, but I don’t know how it is in Australia.

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I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so bad.

I normally get the flu shot every year and it seems to have done a good job of keeping the flu at bay but I skipped this year and came down with influenza B; it was a type of brutal entirely new to me. I’m still not completely over it. I highly recommend the shot.

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Last year, I got the flu shot. I got the flu twice. I usually get the shot, though, and don’t get it.

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I get the shot. Haven’t had the flu in decades.

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It depend on the strain you have and the strains the shot is against. You may just have a bad cold. They can feel like a mild flu.

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