I'm getting physically sicker

I got winded today just mopping the floor at the clubhouse. I was gulping for air after I walked up the slight grade and the steps to our apartments. Normally I didn’t get winded in any way at all when I did that. I’ve had the worst cough. Sometimes it feels like something is blocking me from getting enough air into my lungs. It’s alarming. When I lay down I often go into a coughing fit. I have to lay down and get up several times before I can lay down without coughing. It seems like my med’s make it worse. So do my cats. I’m definitely worse when they’re inside. I talked to my physical doctor about it, but I don’t think I made the extent of my malady clear to him. He did say he would put me on a steroid and an antibiotic. It will be a week before I get those drugs. I hope I don’t get worse while I’m waiting.

Do you have a fever? It kinda sounds like Covid, to be honest. Hope you get better, @crimby


How is your sense of taste and smell? :tiger::tiger::tiger:

No, I don’t have a fever. They check us for a fever every day. I’m fairly confident it is not Covid, but maybe I should get it checked just to be safe. I pretty much self segregate when I’m with people. I always sit down as far away from other people as I can. I can’t avoid incidental proximity, though.

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I’m trying to remember if there has been any change in either one. I don’t think there has been any change in either.

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That could be covid even without a fever. I hope you feel better soon

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Definitely. But I hope it comes back negative.

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I am just 30 y.o. and since becoming obese I lose breath fast, difficulty breathing, more and easier coughing, waking up with a dry throat every night etc I wish my negative symptoms did allow me to exercise.

Do you smoke @crimby?
If you do then try to quit.

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I hope you feel better soon @crimby


Yeah, you might want to get tested for covid. Some people show a few symptoms but still have it.

I hope you get to feeling better asap. :sunflower:


No, I don’t smoke, but thanks for your concern.

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