I'm carrying some kind of virus

This morning I couldn’t walk across my room without wheezing and gasping. My brother bought me a Covid test, and when I took the test it said I was Covid free. I can see how, because I habitually get as far away from other people as I can when I am in public. I don’t think I have ever been close enough to another person recently to contact a malady from them. It could be COPD. I inhaled some smoke from a guy who had COPD, and I’ve had increasing lung problems ever since. Or it could be an allergic reaction to cat hair. I keep three cats in my apartment.

Also there are a lot of nasty bugs going round, it’s winter people are picking up things. I’m like you I keep a good distance from everyone but still had a bad cold last week took me a week or so to feel better. I dunno see how you feel maybe try anti allergy tablet :thinking:


Hm i hope you feel better Crimby.

Hopefully it’s just a transient thing

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Nose or throat swab? Omicron often doesn’t show up with nose swabs for the at home tests.

It was a nose swab. I also think I might have made an error in doing the test. Nothing major, but maybe enough to mess up the result. That’s okay, because the test my brother bought for me has two kits for taking the test. You’re supposed to wait 36 hours until you take the second test.

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