I'm curious witch is worse negative symptoms or positive symptoms

I don’t have negative symptoms, so I am curious…witch is harder to deal with?

Personally from my experience I think generally positive symptoms are worse as they can be dangerous and affect quality of life more. Also I think having positive symptoms can worsen negative symptoms as you are less able to function and focus on life.

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I think you are correct, but I don’t think it is possible to get worse with your negative symptoms from positive symptoms.

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I mean ther’s users on the forum who can’t work because of their constant paranoia and positive symptoms. Thats how I see it.

Also some need to constantly be hospitalized bcz of their positive symptoms. It reduces their functioning and quality of life more than negative symptoms imo.

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I agree…1515151515

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Negatives for me. Its the complete lack of pleasure. At least with the positives, i can rationalise them away and use a bit of logic to dismiss them.

I sorta undertstand why people smoke weed - cos at least your laughing and jolly for a bit and feeling “something”.

Negative symptoms have a much larger effect on quality of life and functioning in studies.

I’d say both are equally difficult to deal with.

Each have their own challenges, though:

Anhedonia is a biitch.

And positive symptoms with lack of insight is scary af.

I think positives and negatives are equally challenging in their own way.

To be honest I find that the negative symptons are harder to deal with. I can’t stand to be depressed and not feel passion for anything.
I was delusional for some days, and that felt better, because I didn’t feel depressed.
And that’s what I have to choose between.

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