I'm a high functioning schizophrenic

I still had paranoid thoughts, but they are from my OCD and they are few. I went to work one week ago and I don’t have any delusions anymore, or I don’t believe in them. I had a blog where I wrote my delusions believing in them and now I closed it. I hear voices occasionally, but I don’t feel annoyed by that. If you want some help, here I am but I’m not sure if what I did will work for you…


Yea maybe u just have schizophreniaform or something

Well it is good that you are so stable. And I’m sure people on here will appreciate your insights.


Im not sure what i am too be honest. Im told i have mental capacity for decisions but have a below normal insight. I “sorta” manage to run my flat on my own ok and pay the bills - but social skills im severely lacking. Been told im “too soft” and vulnerable to other people taking advantage. So maybe im somewhere in the middle.

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I too am considerably high functioning but my delusions, paraboia and hallucinations are are very much there still…
What do you find helps you ignore your delusions the most?

Because people with schizophrenia can’t become high functioning? :roll_eyes: I’ll concede, at least, that you’ll get nowhere with an attitude like that.


You had the best strategy. :slight_smile:

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It helped to know that all my fears never came true and nobody will never hurt me, also I realized that most of my paranoia was about coincidences and I just realized that coincidences are normal.


I’m low-functioning and high-functioning mixed together.

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I’m low functioning and high functioning mixed together also. I can’t work or more to the point, nobody will hire me. I have a hard time taking care of myself, such as bathing, housework and yardwork, personal hygiene, changing clothes, doing dishes, cooking, etc… I live mostly off of government assistance and have for the last 22 years.
But, on the other hand, I pay my own bills, I stick to a regular routine, and I call all my own shots, meaning I have no guardian or conservator.


For sure, we’re all evolving. Sorry if that pissed u off

Not for sure as in it’s for sure people with sz can’t be high functioning. I was just pointing out a possibility, had no intention to offend

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Im quite a high functioning szc too. I can do most things but I struggle with motivation in some areas like cleaning the house and hobbies (except reading which I love). And find it hard to follow a conversation for long - my mind wanders a lot/goes blank. And i am only high functioning bcuz of my meds which help me a lot.


Im also high funtioning cause my pills dont make me dowzy.


I’m in a similar boat :rowing_woman: as you. High functioning/low functioning mixed.

Certain things like memory I haven’t had affected at all. Social skills have gone up since diagnosis.

But working and school skills have gone down.

I can drive and live independently though. And own a cat. I could go on all day about things I can’t and can do

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I would say I’m middle to high functioning.
I’m graduating from my class soon, I live on my own and mostly pay my own bills. I’m able to maintain somewhat of a social life despite needing a lot of alone time to recover.
I’m not able to drive, but I can read and keep conversation and more often than not follow my weekly cleanup-schedule.

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I think the meds bring us back to reality enough to make those good decisions you have made. At least that’s the case for me, with the meda I could then fight the delusions with rational thinking., Is that your experience also?

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