I just wanted to put in a quick plug for Elder Scrolls Online. I know it’s more and more common for adults to play video games and, whether it’s the illness or not, I don’t have the ability to become immersed in the more elaborate role-playing or strategy games I played when I was younger. As far as mindless left-clicking goes, there are worse ways to spend your time. It’s been a while since I found a game I could turn to when I was feeling rotten as opposed to needing to be in the mood to play it. No, I’m not affiliated with the makers of the game, for those of you who are paranoid, it’s just a half-way decent way to pass time and the atmosphere is open and friendly enough that you can get to know other players casually with little effort. It beats compulsively clicking around webpages, checking to see how many people have read what you last posted (and sometimes trying to determine the significance of the number).
I’ve not played the online version. However, I have played Skyrim on PS3 with my friend a few times. When I was younger, I could play games for over an hour. Now, I can’t go 20 min without having to pace around and go do something else. I’m not sure why. I find games made by that creator to be entertaining though. My good friend enjoys the game Fallout and Oblivion.