I feel like there would still be some pretty unique problems for us. Like why did you decide to go back to school at this age and a lot of age related job questions. Also I feel like a lot more of us would end up meeting up in real life. It would probably end up looking a lot like a forum for veterans if those exist.
We could celebrate by writing big blocks of unbroken text that none of us would have a problem reading because we all would have stellar cognitive function.
All I got was support here from everyone. I would love to continue with the people here. This forum helps keep me on track with life in general even. And if I was cured I have progressed so much more by participating with this forum. So I would be already progressed much more in a situation to live life in a situation where I could support myself.
I would focus on other things. I’m on this forum mainly because I suffer from negs. I don’t have any energy doing other stuff besides being here with my phone.
Although I like everyone here. But I would like to move on with my life and enjoy things again.
But I do think even though I was cured from psychosis, it would leave a lot of psychological scars. It’s been a rough ride with a lot of pain. So who knows? Perhaps I would still need this place?
Truthfully if I was allowed and was cured and nobody else got cured I’d still be around to try to help others because I’m assuming I’d still have memories of what it WAS like too bad I’m not cured tho If everybody was cured I’d stick to other websites like for example a fishing or archery website
I don’t know with schizophrenia so diverse how all could be cured. Like medication only works on some in someways. But if there was someway that science found out how to cure all schizophrenia. Then so many of us would lose our financial and medical benefits. And still would need a lot of help getting along with the rest of our lives. As was mentioned in the original post.