If i die i want to die from heart attack

i don t know dieing from heart attack always likeable for me.its sudden quick and lethal.i think easiest and most peaceful death.i don t want to die from anything else personally.sorry if i disturb you guys.you can be unlisted anytime as you want


Heart attack should be one of the most painful ■■■■ ever, especially if it doesn’t kill you.

If I wanted to die I would travel to Luxembourg to get an injection.

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really? i wasn t know that

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Not sure tbh, never had one :man_shrugging:t4:

But the injection is easier imo

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i don want to die actually.i m happy with my life.not suicidal atm.but everybody has some form of death wish and mine is dieing from heart attack

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Heart attack can be a very prolonged ordeal. Not every heart attack is the widow maker.



Enough words

I think diying in your sleep would be nice … imagine… after a wonderful day at 70 you got to sleep and dream of the kindness in the world and that’s it :heart:

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I will most likely die straining on the toilet

But hey, at least I am not a danger?


Anyway buddy, don’ t start eating and living like you want a heart attack, you may end up with long term suffering.

Um, it’s not as pleasant as you think. I’m as survivor.

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If i die, I’d rather die in my sleep.


Thats my biggest fear actually - having a heart attack. Cardio problems run in my family, both my brother and i have a heart murmur, i got tachycardia and both sisters have had stents fitted.

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I’m not in a hurry to die from anything. I’m 65, though. I’m seeing death approaching over my shoulder. There are things I would like to do before I die. I’d like to travel. I want to write. I think I am in good health. I have a little bit of time, but not a lot. Both my parents died of dementia, and that might be what gets me. It kind of sucks because that is such a long, drawn out way to die. It’s death in slow motion. I don’t want to put the burden for caring for my dementia on society.

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Could you explain what it feels like? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

it’s really painful… first your heart feels weird ? it feels as if it gets fragmented and then there is a sharp pain in your arm… then in your stomach… aurgh… it hurts badly !!!

I don’t know. We have these threads every once in awhile. It seems to me that people have no idea what bad ways to go are.

Heart attack? Yeah, sounds painful and scary to me.

Another one that mystifies me is people saying they want to drown. Really? You want to die struggling and panicking for air for minutes until you finally succumb?

I even heard one person say they wanted to throw themselves into a lions enclosure at the zoo and they will sing hyms while the lions kill them. Yeah, that will be fun having yourself clawed and chewed apart. Don’t think you’ll be singing hyms once that starts. You’ll be screaming to get out of there.

Anywho, this is getting a bit morbid and violent, but hey, I didn’t make the topic. Not my fault.

Imo, if you’re lucky, you’ll either die in your sleep or in a hospital where you are so heavily medicated you don’t know the difference.


Don’t think about dieing. You willl live . Think about living

I want to just lie down in bed and just never wake up again instead of becoming a terminal ill patient and suffer for years. And I hope that mother die that way too. But every time I meet mommy I know that it could be our last day in life so I alway hug her before I leave her.

i m not suicidal and everyone has kind death wish as far as i know .it s human thing since we are species that conciousness about our death and this cant be compared to throwing to yourself to the lions?!