If I can’t go back to university for music someday then idk what I’ll do

I know I just have to wait for invega to leave my system but I’m scared that Abilify 200mg will affect me to much cognitively to get back to my music. I’d rather die than not be able to be a musician…I used to practice up to 6 hours a day and all of that practice has been stripped from me because of this illness and invega. I’m not asking to be the next Beethoven but id at least like to be able to progress at a reasonable rate and be able to teach and play on the side…


Yeah, I dunno. I thought Invega was my problem too but I’m still not that much better on Abilify. I hope you improve. Don’t kill yourself though. A diminished life is better than no life at all. I know the feelings you’re having though. My quality of life is much diminished since sz and medication. I’ve had those thoughts myself. Wish you the best. Don’t give up.

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You’ll get your emotions back I think Bowen’s You just have to let invega get out your system…

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It’s not impossible to have a fulfilling life with sz it’s just a lot harder. I’m pushing 40, and I have a hard time when I look back on my life and realize how little I’ve done with it and how many gaps are in my memory. Oh well, I am but a tiny speck of cosmic dust in a universe so large that I can’t fathom. Hell with it.


Since switching to Aristada, similar to Abilify, I can write again. Finally started to work on my second book again after almost 2 years on Invega.

So you can get creative again. Just takes time and effort.


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