I won my lawsuit against social security

Long story short had to sue social security for several wrongful denials and I won! Now I have to go back and do a retrial AGAIN


Does this mean you’ll be getting backpay?

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If I win yes fifteen


That would be nice.

But basically if I’m getting this right, you have to start from scratch again and build a case?

Do you still see a psychiatrist who can write you a report?

Essentially yea I’m starting from scratch, I’m still receiving benefits from my last approval but I had to appeal because it was only partially favorable. Then he just denied me entirely so we sued to get another chance through the system


Your fighting spirit is great.

If my disability review is negative, I probably won’t appeal in court. It’s not something I want to spend my energy on.

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It is overwhelming sometimes but my lawyer does most of the leg work


Ballin :moneybag::money_mouth_face::moneybag:

Good for you :grin:

Let me hold $15 :smirk:

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I’m glad you won, although I really feel for you that you have to go through it all over again. Hopefully this time they won’t discriminate against you

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