I wish I liked fiction. I've lost interest

I used to love fiction, especially science fiction. I’d get completely lost in it. I used to love movies. It was good escapism.

Now I can’t really stand fiction, It’s all just seems fake.

I don’t know whether to put this down to getting older or schizophrenia though.


Neal Asher did some good science fiction books about a schizophrenic robot, a war drone. I love a good fantasy fiction story. To me they can seem more real than my boring life, but Ive been told I have an overactive imagination.

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yeah i haven’t read fiction in years, i think the last fiction book i read was the da vinci code, and angels and demons by dan brown. typically i read non fiction about things im interested in. things lke horticulture, scotland, ireland, celtics, vikings, druids, fitness, nutrition, etc.


I’m not a fiction fan either.

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Do you like non-fiction, instead?

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Yes, some non fiction. I hate true crime stuff though.

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What sort of non-ficrion do you like?

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Some self help type stuff. Documentaries on music. It varies. Thanks for asking!


You might try to read autobiographical novels based on the author’s own life.

I have trouble reading “pure” fiction, but I enjoy personally written novels.


Maybe your tastes have just changed.

I feel like in most mediums 99% of works are bad or flawed in some regard. I’m very fussy with what I like and I always find it disconcerting when other people just seem to like everything and don’t have a critical eye.

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