Just watched a bunch of videos where people go for the assessment and don’t get diagnosed and it’s really really terrible thing to self diagnose. I suppose I did it because the psychiatrist I was seeing said I needed the assessment. But he’s not qualified to make that diagnosis. Neither am I. So let’s see what happens tomorrow. I was getting my hopes up for a diagnosis so I could get support at work but I don’t even know if that’s a possibility.
Psychiatrist or psychologist?
First my psychotherapist suggested it, then my psychiatrist.
psychiatrist is deffo qualified to suggest it as far as i know
But he said he can’t do the assessment, and I needed to go through my GP. I have the assessment tomorrow with a neurodevelopmental specialist.
probably bureaucracy ?
Maybe, because they aren’t paid to make that assessment… but he could probably tell from my history.
yeah, the way the nhs works is that you have to go to your primary care who then refer you to specialist, or you go to the specialist and do self referal if the option is available
The waiting list was so long, I waited 3 years for them to tell me there is no one available to do the assessment so to explore other avenues. I asked for right to choose and it was much, MUCH quicker.
Right to choose is where a private clinic takes on your referral and gets paid by the NHS.
yeah, unless youre under 18 - its a lengthy process or in mental instability
I am diagnosed Autism but I hide it and almost never mention to people I have it. It really has not brought me any benefits and if anything makes you more prone to being and outcast or bullied.
Maybe so, but I’m already an outcast and got bullied throughout school… I don’t think a diagnosis will change anything.
At my 1st psych appointment here in Wiltshire my daughter mentioned autism. he asked me lots of questions, and asked me to do some things with my hands (that told him I was quite dyspraxic) At the end he said the most likely dxes were schizophrenia and autism. 2 weeks later I got a referral letter. 7 months later I was diagnosed with Asperger’s. The idiots who worked at the previous mental health centre I was a patient at , in Essex, had spent more than 15 years before that ignoring my belief there was more going on than SMI.
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