I was severely neglected as a child and

My husband thinks it’s what cause my mental illness. My parents used to tie my arms and legs down in the crib and set my head straight so it couldn’t move ax an infant. As a toddler, I was put in a high chair without toys just staring off into space. No attention, no toys. At 3 my much older sister started taking me with her to concerts and parties where I was exposed to drugs etc.

Social services removed me from my home at 3, but my mom got me back. Severe abuse and neglect continued for quite a few years after that. I was emancipated at 16. Could this be the cause of my sza?

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That depends who you believe I guess. My own personal belief is that, in most cases, people are predisposed to sz and sza genetically and then symptoms can be brought out by environmental triggers. There are some that believe it can be developed by trauma though. I am not one that believes that it is likely to happen through trauma alone.

When did you first develop symptoms?


I had friends no one else could see from age 7 to 35. Now, I’m 45 and still see people following me etc. Maybe all of it is mental illness. Maybe not. I feel confused about it all


I’m sorry that you suffered abuse starting at such an early age @LilyoftheValley

Yes trauma and abuse in childhood can trigger psychotic disorders later in life but you have to be predisposed to schizophrenia in the first place


I had really good parents but i can relate a little. My mother was a first grade teacher for gods sake but theres darkness. I remember my aunts sitting me down on the stairs and funneling salad dressing down my throat (there is only one i can pallet these days) I rememebr thinking someone was being hurt in the next room and finding my father in bed with a girl. she took something out of her purse and had him give it to me. it was LSD. I pushed her down the stairs and she broke all sorts of bones and he lef tthe house with me at the top of the stairs. in 2001 after my band performed our resource officer accosted us asked me if i remembered my lobotomy and told me my house was once a crime scene.

i also rememebr sitting in a girls lap in the living room being shotgunned hits of marijuana. with these boys sitting around the house, beer bottles everywhere.

but my childhood was good. it was good if i’m asked.


Ok. Thanks @Wave . I’ll look for articles that say that. I wonder if it’ll explain the men following me. Or will they still be after me? I’ve been trying to figure this all out for a very long time.

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Your childhood was not good. Sorry, but it was awful. Thanks for sharing. That makes 2 of us riddled with abuse followed by mental illness

I’m not a doctor and don’t want to engage in too much conjecture. I had an abusive childhood myself. I was an early teenager when I was diagnosed. The psychiatrists I’ve seen over the years all think I was predisposed to get schizophrenia, and my rough home environment was the straw that broke the camel’s back. They also said environment plays a huge role in young people as their brain forms, and also that young people are more susceptible. I guess what I’m trying to say is that yes, an abusive childhood can be a major trigger. Am very happy you’ve made it this far and are still working towards recovery. A can-do attitude with this illness is a must.


Thanks @Rytis fir telling me your situation. I won’t bring it up to you so you don’t have to relive it

My God is this for real?
Did these things happen to you or are they delusions?

This is totally abuse and I’m so sorry this happened to you @Quehead!

I had an abusive childhood too. Mental illness seems to run in my family on both sides. Not everyone is diagnosed though. I must have been predisposed.

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No, feel free to talk about your life and stuff here and the problems you’re having. I put most of the issues with my childhood to bed and a very comfortable nowadays to discuss it, even in great detail. So no, please don’t feel you need to watch what you say around me. I get the gist of what you meant, but don’t stifle yourself. :wink:

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It’s real. It’s just my memories. I had two affectionate parents throughout my childhood. What I remember hearing from my teens is that my father was considering a run for congress in his 40’s and that this was null and void because of my lifestyle. It’s memories. There WAS abuse in our family but I have so many great memories of them.


I had a happy childhood overall but I lived in a home that was often filled with lots of emotional turmoil.
Lots of different extended family members living with us over the years.

It was hard to find peace and quiet in my house.

I also suffered with severe panic disorder growing up that lasted into my early 40s

This left a mark on me mentally over the years


I’m sorry @HollyHobby

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Thanks @Wave. 15


My therapist thinks this is what caused my mental illness too. He said, “it would be questionable if you weren’t mentally ill”. He was an awesome therapist.

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It doesn’t really fix it to hear that unfortunately, does it? Or maybe it does for you and just not for me. I’m sorry you were abused @anon10648258

Well, my older brother was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (sociopath) and both parents were diagnosed bipolar, and none of them took meds. So yeah, a lot of abuse.

I was repeatedly raped, molested, beaten, neglected and just all-around terrorized as a child. I developed schizoaffective at 15 years old and have also been diagnosed with ptsd pertaining to my childhood. So if nothing else, at least some of my MI stems from that ■■■■ I was put through.


I’m so sorry @freakonaleash . That’s so hard to overcome. Have you worked on ptsd from it? Do you still see your abusers?