Ever met a person who no matter how great of a day you are having will come along and ruin it? That’s my father in law. I asked for my phone back its been a week and a half and my father’s birthday is sunday. he said, “when I feel like it” that’s what he said when I asked for my phone. I was having such a good day with my doctor appointment finally over with and 8 weeks of the same meds i’m already on ordered because she wants to see how I am on them. I know I bitch a lot about these people but I can’t help they are ruining my life. kay and I finally have a game plan to get out of here its gonna take awhile but at least we have a plan.
Why did you give them your phone!!! When you get it back from them, keep it!
I didn’t have a choice in the matter it was either I give it to them or they shut it off. I need the phone for doctor appointments. I am thinking of getting my safelink phone back
oh dear @cbbrown I am glad to hear you’re planning at least ! good luck on a soon exit !!
That is such a toxic environment! I sincerely hope that you and Kay find a place soon and that it’s at a comfortable distance from your in laws.
Good for you ccbrown. It’s great for you that you have a plan. It’s smart to have a plan. Once you get out of there those people won’t be worth your time to see or talk to.
it’s gonna take some saving since kay wants to get her license and a car before we move
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