I was already destroyed before I got schizophrenia

Since I was a kid. I’m the last person on earth who should have gotten schizophrenia.


Yeah it’s tough. I was always super friendly and seemed to do well…but there really always was a different way of thinking to most…and paranoia.

You don’t get to go back and change anything but I’m sure I couldn’t do anything. It was that genetics and whatever triggered it.

So for me. My way of thinking really was a bit different but hindsight is a wonderful thing. And cruel as heck!

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I’ve noticed a weird way of thinking about it as well…

It’s like… Having been here supposedly a long time, yet feeling waaaay behind of what you should’ve could’ve been or done. Like losing a race.

Crappy horrible feeling really.

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i can see how i was born with it, tho a bit puzzling psychosis started at 17 and not earlier


My dad is the last person on earth who should have a schizophrenic son. My poor mother also. I truly am in awe with how they are handling me. They have dealt with my SZ for 30 years now and I have to give them credit also for not letting it destroy them. I was a high school drop out washing dishes living with them when I got diagnosed. They have done the best they can and I am trying to do the same with SZ


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