I wanted you guys to know this, if you haven't already been talking about it

schizophrenics are 2 1/2 times more likely to die from Covid than the control group. They think it’s because they have no access to care. I can’t find the number of how many have died. Mainstream media isn’t touching this.
lots of schizophrenics have no family or friends anymore, either had a falling out, or been abandoned because of their illness.
may not know where to get tested, or they were doing tests by drive up but they/we may not have access to a car.
may have symptoms, but the doctors offices were closed, so they had to, or chose to delay seeking help. wow.
I’m still looking into this this morning,
and sharing on Facebook. Please stay well, you guys.


I heard … it’s not just people with psychical illnesses who should be prioritised for injection that’s not fair.

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I think it’s due to smoking and obesity


I started out thinking that was a myth when they almost told every retailer to stop selling them, cigs, can’t remember if that U.S. or Britain.

then these people are dying, or have died, due to other reasons than Rona. has anyone been checking for underlying conditions of these people in the hospital?

Even the folks with physical illnesses are not prioritized. My friends with muscular dystrophy are struggling to get vaccinated. My friend had to call the doctor’s office 3-4 times (probably more than that) to get her vaccine. Sz and disabilities in general are getting thrown out of the vaccination programs. It really sucks!

Also, welcome back @Daze. I haven’t seen you in a while. :slight_smile:

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Not the ones who follow public health guidlines properly. Haven’t had so much as a sniffle since last Feburary.


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