I wanted to share red roses with you


Beautiful! Thank you!

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I am doing my daily news reviews while listening to some traditional Cossack music, I made just an observation how far f.ex people in CA are from events that happen f.ex. in Russia, of course these are totally different worlds. I lived in LA n Feb 2001 in my car, I have many good memories, I have always liked the university libraries and I remember going the main library of UCLA. Now I had a walk in the evening, it was refreshing, -5 C, I am feeling good.

The mornings are getting lighter here in eastern Finland, spring is coming, I remember how I had posted a few pics of tulips I had bought at one flower store 10 years ago. Now this flower store is closed as are so many other businesses here. I wanted to share a story of tulips in the Netherlands and then one pic. The world’s first financial crash was the tulip crash hundreds of years ago.

Tulips in the Netherlands start blooming in late March to mid-April, with the peak season occurring in mid-April . Known as the “Garden of Europe” , this gem is one of the world’s largest flower gardens and boasts a whopping 7 million bulbs .

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These are Tulips that bloomed last spring in the front of our house

There is a Rose bush behind them that bloomed after they were gone

I wrote this tulips poem 10 years ago and posted it here.

Poem: Tulips

I just got you
tulips for my enjoyment
for refreshing my life
like the spring love
you meant to blossom
you meant to be beautiful
did I not treat right?
did I give you water?
in the sunshine
you seem to be fading away
maybe never to blossom
maybe never to shine
was water poisonous?
didn’t you get the sunshine?
my spring love fading away
like dying red tulips
I tried
but you are fading away
dying, your beautiful flowers
like the spring love
I tried
but you failed to blossom
in the sunshine
your green leaves changing colors
your buds not opening
not to blossom, not to shine
like the spring love
you are fading away
I tried
but you failed
failed to bring joy in my life
my simple life
you tulips dying away
like the spring love
not to blossom
not to produce red flowers
I tried.

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