Do you think bottled water is much better than tap water? And why
How much better, if you make the complete switch to bottled water?
I doubt it’s any better to be honest !
Maybe time for another poll !!
- Bottled water is better
- Tap water is better
- They’re the same
0 voters
It depends on where you live. City water can be full of chemicals. We have our own well so our tap water is trouble free. However, in farm areas, even well water can be bad with the use of insecticides.
I read that bottled water is bad for you if you leave it like in the car overnight or something causing breast cancer. City water in the tap is much more tested too…
Plumbing is design to keep tap water under pressure in the plumbing, so there is no contamination by outside water. But they add chorine to kill bacteria and pH stabilizers.
As a ships water plant maintainer we made tap water(freshwater). But bottled water has more minerals in it than something that is just purified ( reverse osmosised) from seawater. So there is a difference. Small one but different in taste
Ships water has a bit of oil!
I hear about plastic chemicals leaching into the water… Hmm gonna need to look this up some person is trying to convince me it’s important to drink bottled if u can afford
Plastic razor vs electric shaver vs beard trimmer vs grown beard?
Plastic razors are not worth it they go blunt too quick
There are some razors with changeable blade. Think it’s better than disposable plastic razors
I don’t care for tap water without a filter. Bottled water just tastes better to me. A good filter is just as good though! Just so long as it’s really cold.
I drink tap water and add black cherry water flavoring to it. It costs about $3 a day doing that but it’s worth it.
In Greater Vancouver, tap water has about 16 ppm of particulate, which is pretty similar to the ppm in a bottle of water.
Can’t open it up link isn’t available
I drink filtered water from my fridge or bottled water.
Where I live it’s not safe to drink straight out of the tap.
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