I want to have a healthy debate whether some studies regarding some supplements could have been buried by pharmaceutical companies

i strongly beleive some research in the vitamins and minerals have been supressed due to conflict of interest of pharmaceutical companies

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Yup, on the same page over here.

is this belief backed my evidence? or just a hunch?

based on logic and common sense

I don’t believe research on supplements/etc :pill: has been buried by pharma. I think it’s simply the case that no supplement has antipsychotic properties.

You wouldn’t be able to keep something like that secret anyway as people all over the world are taking supplements.

that is exactly the point that i am saying becuase the secrets are out and people are using it only point is not everybody is using it.there is an old saying you can t fool every body all the time in everything,some can be some cannot be.it is thousands of testimonials are there of people having used these supplements .

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I read a book by an industry insider who did admit that there was a lot of dishonesty and suppression of specifically st. johns wort. Some pharmaceutical advocates published a meta-analysis of SJW that was very biased and cited sources that the author could not find in exhaustive searches, so they basically were lying and doctors believed them since it was a respected journal or something. The books is https://www.hoopladigital.com/title/12094083
I have to say though that SJW will likely not be an option for people on antipsychotics and such because it interacts with them too much but can be good for people with just depression.

I like Bernie Sanders because he is taking on these pharma giants and is going to reduce the profit motive for these companies. Having a public healthcare system will eliminate the motive to manipulate markets for drugs and supplements.

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