It’s pretty long. It’s stringy and unkempt looking and brings my face down. I just don’t look good. So I want to cut it off and get some layers. Maybe shoulder length with bangs. My head is almost healed right now, if I can keep from picking for 2 more days I think I’ll be able to go get it cut.
Help me find pictures of cute haircuts. I also think I’ll color it, maybe a temporary dye with a little red tint.
Cool, I love 80s style haircuts because they’re from my mom’s era!!! And my crush is Japanese so I like Japanese stuff too. But I’ll keep my hair long, thanks since the natural look is popular in Hawaii right now. :3
Have you considered visiting a barber recently?? I heard the pidgeoto hair is popular with men atm. ^.^ you’ll be so popular with the Asian women!!! In fact I can introduce you to some hot Fujian or Tianjin women myself.
I love the first pic you posted. Bangs take 2 seconds to style and the layers mean it’ll lay correctly. Plus you’ll have a little stylish edge. Go for it!