Yes, with assertivity. If it doesn´t work don´t interact with that person anymore.
That´s a very clever question, @anon37666876 . Where are you going?
Yes, with assertivity. If it doesn´t work don´t interact with that person anymore.
That´s a very clever question, @anon37666876 . Where are you going?
i’m going to bed. goodnight
Take your meds before the psychosis comes back full force and land you in the hospital
It would certainly be hard to justify natural law by appealing to some transcendental sanction, or to nature in the case of the Stoics. However, evolutionary biology and sociology (Durkheim explicitly characterises morality as a social fact, and heavily entwined with religion at that) allow for a “collective moral” emerging from society yet not drawn from any a priori moral truths -although obviously societies will make frequent appeals to these a prioris to justify their moral claims.
Indeed, but it seems easier to identify a social moral the more recognizable the group of individuals is as a comunity with their own traits.
We can talk aswell of “universal minimum moral” which could be indentified as a “natural moral”, which first of all has a extraordinarily limited number of precepts and they haven´t guaranteed its permanence in time.
My doctor knows, it’s not a new unusual belief for me.
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