I want to apologize

I want to apologize if I offended anybody with yesterday’s post. I am a natural born butthole that can be very selfish. I’m working on my best to change that. After that post I suffered a psychosis episode and depressive episode. It was a rough night. On top of it all I have the flu. Which being physically sick just makes things harder mentally!


Try not to worry about it – we all go through the occasional rough patch. I’m sorry to hear you had a rough night. I hope you get over the flu quickly! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hmmm I must have missed your thread.

So no harm done. :slight_smile:

I hope you feel better soon. Having the flu is no fun.

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Thanks @Montezuma @Moonbeam that means a lot and yeah being physically sick sucks a$$ I hate being locked in my room


Does that mean you’re staying? If so then yeah!


Yes I’m staying!


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