I apologize

I might go on random spurts of posting and stuff. This just reflects my random spurts where I’m mentally super energetic. I also can get kind of goofy and silly. Apparently today is one of those mentally energetic days. Anyways if I ever get to be too much just kindly ask me to calm down. I won’t be offended. Although please dont just yell at me. Cause that’s just mean.


No need to apologize. This is a safe place. :honeybee::honeybee::honeybee:


Thanks. That means a lot.

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No worries. It’s good that you ask for a reminder to settle down. I’ve also angered members but we are all a pretty forgiving bunch. Glad you are with us.

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I go through that all the time…every day i post here… no needs to apologise…

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No need to apologize.

You’re totally fine. :+1: :slight_smile: :sunny:


@ThePickinSkunk As bad as it sounds, glad I’m not the only one. We’ll just have to keep each other in check. Can we be energetic buddies?

@anon80629714 thank you. Can we also be energetic buddies? Or maybe post buddies?

@Montezuma thank you

(Yep, definitely a little goofy today)


Of course and I mean it. My jokes get a little stupid at times so an old fashioned beep beep Richy will help.



At least you can recognize that sometimes it wasnt the right joke. I think I can whip out a good joke every now and then otherwise it’s just bad puns and such.

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