Having a good family support system is good but for a lot of people I’ve met it’s not good enough. I also had to really support myself during the tough times too and realized that there are also other coping mechanisms and I’m grateful for the ones I have and not the ones I don’t have.
Well…I had family support, but it hasn’t made a difference when it came to my relapses. There was nothing they could do, and I could hardly explain my experience to them. Only in big wide strokes.
But I guess it is a plus to have someone who can help with housing and finances and getting stuff in order if things get out of hand. Takes away some stress.
I wish everyone had someone. At least a professional they could talk to.
Yea I prefer hanging out with my friends than with family. I feel like a baby when hanging out with family but I still do it to pass time as my friends are not always free for me, they work full time, go to the gym, etc
Glad you came out of the proverbial ‘wormhole’ and can talk from the other side, it is inspiring… sounds a wee bit like ‘self Love’ today from you!! I recall you saying you don’t get that concept… And I found that endearing bc I think it’s hard for so many but is brutal honest stuff.