I tried to make a coming out video for facebook and

My face is so flat and expressionless.

Only my mouth really moves, and I am a face of stone cold expression

I watched other peoples on YouTube, and they seem to be able to animated themselves with their faces, body movements and hand waving, but I am just not like that.

Think I’d be the most boring person to film.

Maybe it’s just because I should have emotions about such a sensitive topic, but really there is nothing there.

I don’t know if it’s the meds.


If you dont like the way you look in video,you can make a text post. There is no one right way to come out. If the video makes you too uncomfortable, don’t use it. Write it down instead.


My other idea was to post some sort of pride flag, and see what people say about that

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Poating just the flag with no explanation might confuse a whole bunch of people, since allies post pride flags a lot as well.


It’s part of the illness I’m afraid mate.


I’d just make a text post to come out if you’re worried about being flat emotionally. It doesn’t have to be a video. Good luck!

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For me its the illness, not meds, I still had no emotions except for anger when I stopped meds for 1-2 years.

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This is the post @Ninjastar and @LilyoftheValley

Honestly I am ■■■■ ing myself about this, and looking at the people online who will be the first to see it, and just ■■■■.

I don’t know if I am doing the right thing? I have known this as below for some time, but I am finding it’s causing me internal pain now keeping it to myself any longer

"I was going to try and make this a bit more personal in internet terms - by making a video - but unfortunately I am not camera material!

The reason for this post is to let you all know that I am Gay.

I know some people may have a problem with this - and that’s fine, but I just wanted to communicate this as I am tired of keeping this to myself.

It has been something I have been pretty sure about since I was 16/17, but I was thinking that there was no point in making a big fanfare about something that really - in my view - did not matter unless I found a partner.

To be honest, I have got to 33, and it does not seem that I am going to find a partner anytime soon. It’s been at the tip of my tongue in many situations for some time now, but I have found unable to pass this information on in person with anyone.

This way I feel it’s a healthier way to express where I stand on this. Nothing has changed, I am just offering up some personal information that has until now just been in the background!

Thanks for reading."


I think it’s good. It’s unapologetic which I like but also not demanding or aggressive. Good job!


Best of luck with everything @Joker!


But I question the fundamental reason for saying something, as I have kept this to myself for so long, and there doesn’t seem to be any real thing that has changed to make me want to do this.

I don’t believe in the whole coming out process, but I am just sick of waiting for that moment to tell other people like my parents.

My self-esteem is pretty ■■■■■■ lately (Thanks to my old therapist getting me diagnosed with Autism) and also the GAD. It just feels like now I am carrying a weight, and I don’t think it needs to be that way


I’m Gay too. I grew up with the Stonewall Riots and when you could go to jail for just being in a Gay bar.


It’s important to be accepted for who you are. Everyone wants that. It’s ok to come out so you don’t have to feel like you have this heavy burden weighing you down. Some people will thoroughly support you and it’ll help you feel better about yourself. But I understand if you decide not to share this news with anyone. That’s ok too.


That really sucks.

i know things have gotten better, but I just worry that once that info is out there, there is no turning back.

My step dad is always making homophobic (And racist) comments when watching TV when I am there, and it concerns me


Maybe Facebook is not the right place to do this.,

I just looked and my 13 year old niece is online, my mothers next door neighbour.

That’s the kinda audience I have - I do not have any friends to come out to :-/


My grandfather was like that too. I never came out to him or talked to him much. I was out with most of the family and friends when I was 20.

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Do you have the emails of the people you want to tell? Or can you private message individuals on Facebook so it only goes where you want it to!

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My old neighbor used to bash homosexuals all the time. He ended up marrying a woman whose son turned out to be gay. Whether or not you agree with the lifestyle they’re still human beings.


That’s not a bad idea.

I just feel sick to the stomach about this with nerves, as I honestly don’t know how people will react.


We have all been there, not knowing how people would respond. In my case most were positive about it except for my mom. I never knew my father though.