I think they're trying to get me kicked out

I think the other people at our assisted living center are trying to get me kicked out. I think they have gone to the head of the place and given her a statement saying I am somehow hurting them. Basically, I stay far away from them. I almost never see them in the apartments. In day treatment I sit as far away from them as possible and rarely interact with them. I have done absolutely nothing to hurt them. One guy in particular is bad. He is gay, and he is angry because I am not interested in him. I have never done anything to him other than to give him a firm “not interested” response. I have things really good right now, and if I got sent to another assisted living center I would have a major decrease in my quality of life.

People do the same to me, at apartment complexes. Though they never did when I was working. It’s someone with an agenda. I’m not interested in stupid things they accuse people of. They want to insult my intelligence. They have a very abusive person behind it, who wants to look like a saint at my expense.

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If you keep apart from other people you better not let them think you think you’re better than them. It’s best to remain silent. I talk in group. I can speak well in structured situations, but when it comes to spontineity I am lost.

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