I think martial arts would be good for me

Maybe you can try with good technique and knowing your limits… but I´m no doctor lol

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Maybe in the future. I just started working again. So construction is my workout for now. If I get a desk job I’ll definately consider it again. For weekends I’ll beat up my bag though and probbaly still watch fight videos to pick stuff up. No dojo tho


I was in martial arts for a month or two.

I quit because i couldn’t afford it and not keen on hierarchy stuff or saying sir and a girl I was uncomfortable around.

It’s the first time in my life I said sir.

I enjoyed it mostly except for that girl .

I couldn’t stand being around her.

I love cobra Kai.
Watching it on Netflix now.


Well, I´ve never been told to call the trainer “sir”. All I know is to be respectful and ask for permision before entering the tatami. There are a lot of kids from the hood that learn how to treat others (and themselves) respectfully thanks to martial arts.

I don´t think these are necessarily bad per se.

About the hierarchy stuff, saying sir and the girl in question: you just need to change gyms!

IMO martial arts people are some of the nicests, more down to earth people you can meet…


The teacher said we had to call him sir.

The girl was a student with higher belt than me who wasn’t nice in her vibe etc.


I used to have a fairtex muay thay bag at home.

Its a long bag (banana) for low kicks and stuff. Filled with rags so its not rock hard.


Wow that´s a bit cringy. I´ve never done “belt” martial arts. I think this was a bad gym and you had a first bad experience; my first lesson was the best fighter (he was a student, not the coach) giving me a personalized 1h coaching session on things ranging, from how to wrap my hands to how I needed to throw punches. One of the coolest guys I´ve ever met…


Calling your instructor sir is pretty normal in martial art schools

Sir is short for Master.


Every martial arts school I’ve ever been to expects this


@LevelJ1 @LilyoftheValley maybe it´s required for “belt” martial arts?

In kickboxing we called the coach by his name…


Well kickboxing specifically uses the term coach.

But in a more traditional art they use sir

Like for example karate


I´m curious… If you don´t mind to share, what martial art did you enroll in?

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I always called my instructor sir and you had to bow before entering the training room and bow when you leave and ask for permission to step onto the training mat.

If they praise your technique you say thank you sir.

Martial arts is not necessarily training to kick the ■■■■ out of someone but also to learn discipline.


I think I prefer kick boxing.

We had boxing at our local gym and I loved it.

We called her by her first name.

I e never called anyone sir except this teacher.

I don’t like it when people expect you to call them sir seems like superiority complex and power crazed.

My boyfriend and x call people sir out of respect but it’s different when the person demands it.

My mum kindof taught me not to say sir and she was against the hierarchy view society has n I kinda am aswell.

I can’t volunteer at salvos because they supress me.

I should be doted on and empowered encouraged not put down.

The manager wanted to feel superior n powerful but that’s not real power if you put people down to make yourself feel good n better thinking your so above the other person so beneath you.

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Nice dude. Now i know not to mess with ya :smile::smile::smile:


Hahaa haaaaaaiiiiiii sudokùuuuuu! :ninja:


Welp ive standed da bottle 5 time now and this the first i kept the ring on.
Gon hustle the carnival hustler :relieved::drooling_face:

My new martial art :rofl:


That board game looks abused. How dare you! I am reporting you to the Board Game Protection Agency.

The BGPA will never let you go passed go again.



Hahaa WIN AT ALL COSTS :grin:


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