Considering the variety of countries, and parts of countries, we come from I think it would be interesting to hear accents and voices of people. I’m tempted to start a thread for audio files for people to share their speech. I have a mic and would have no problem doing such.
I wonder how many people would be willing to participate. Some of the people here I’ve known for years but have no idea what they sound like…
I dont think its anymore of an anonymity give away than pics, which lots of people share.
ANyway, just kind of thinking out loud as I prepare for bed. If anyone feels like sharing, feel free. If this thread is still alive tomorrow I might share an audio file of me speaking.
Edit: I kind of did it spur of the moment and didn’t fully think through exactly what I was gonna say so, please excuse the pauses. Plus its late and my brain is slow .
Keep it anon but I’d agree. It’s like the selfie thread. I remember faces so knowing what people present is big to me. So a picture is worth a thousand words…but an accent can be fun if done right.
I think I sound funny for sure but that is normal. I think if you did it you’d learn why I use so many !!! because that is the way I talk… Just saying.