I think it would be interesting if we could hear each other talk on this forum - AKA Share your voice recording!

Considering the variety of countries, and parts of countries, we come from I think it would be interesting to hear accents and voices of people. I’m tempted to start a thread for audio files for people to share their speech. I have a mic and would have no problem doing such.

I wonder how many people would be willing to participate. Some of the people here I’ve known for years but have no idea what they sound like…

I dont think its anymore of an anonymity give away than pics, which lots of people share.

ANyway, just kind of thinking out loud as I prepare for bed. If anyone feels like sharing, feel free. If this thread is still alive tomorrow I might share an audio file of me speaking.


I don’t like the sound of my own voice on recordings.

My voice is very flat with a Southern English accent.

Just like the queen, but male with more monotone and less class!



There are definitely some people whose voices I’m curious about.

I’m also interested in what others will think of my accent.


couldnt sleep:

Edit: I kind of did it spur of the moment and didn’t fully think through exactly what I was gonna say so, please excuse the pauses. Plus its late and my brain is slow :stuck_out_tongue: .


That just put a idea in my head imagine if they was like a twitter spaces where you could have live conversations but here just an idea

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I may have to try bumping this thread tomorrow and give it a shot when things are more busy. I can’t be the only one willing to share…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Keep it anon but I’d agree. It’s like the selfie thread. I remember faces so knowing what people present is big to me. So a picture is worth a thousand words…but an accent can be fun if done right.

I think I sound funny for sure but that is normal. I think if you did it you’d learn why I use so many !!! because that is the way I talk… Just saying.


Here is a link @Moonbeam found for audio recording sharing :

I used a combination of audacity software, a mic on computer and “pCloud” for storing and sharing the file, for mine.

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Gonna change title of thread I think. As @rogueone said, please remember to keep things anonymous if you post.

Hey, that was good, you sound pretty normal.

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I’ll try to remember to do this later. A lot of people are surprised to hear my voice.

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haha funny. Made me giggle.


Nice Zombie. SO far this is the “mods share their voice recording” thread . :laughing:


Once you record, how do you post it here?

I haven’t decided if I’ll do it yet. But I do think it’s a cool idea.

Just cut and paste the link.

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Oh ok. Thanks @anon4362788

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I had to be quiet so the recording isn’t how I sound perfectly.

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You’re welcome!

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No worky @Divergent