I think I'm dead again

Oh boy here we go. I’m like 90% convinced I’m in some afterlife


I have it too.
I’m already dead, or in some other dimension.

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Last time this happened it was scary. I was also horribly depressed. Now I’m not depressed and it’s enjoyable.


It’s a weird feeling.
I know.
I’m dead or my body is dead,
or a body part is dead.

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yeah, like am I really a presence.

I feel more like a ghost.


It’s nothing to freak out about at least. Maybe now my suffering is over


yeah being cabin fever from the pandemic has tons of people manic…its ok though, just breathe and relax. I enjoy listening to classic or new age music when im manic but I became aware that Im manic 90% of the time lol so that was a bit of a shock to me.

Expanding awareness can be a transformative process, but mania/awareness at the same time can be overwhelming we are good people with a lot to learn and I hope that I can learn to slow down…I can feel the energy flowing through me–like I opened a door to the energetic dimension/and now I can feel energetic dimensions…

I had to take some extra meds today to try and control it. There is nothing to be afraid of though, the gov. isn’t after people who are aware of their spiritual self we just nneed to be responisble with our energy and makeup…

Medications dont repress me. They help all of them help me. But I took some immunity boost medicine, called elderberry and stuff it expanded my chakras.

Have you let your pdoc know how you’re feeling?

Not yet we just increased my meds a week ago this just started. I also still feel like someone’s after me

I absolutely hate that feeling. Because I just want to know if I’m dead or not. Had it when I woke up at the hospital. Was questioning nurses lots of times if my overdose was enough to kill me.


Sorry you feel that way. You are definitely alive

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I’m swinging between feeling good to feeling low. My heart is so heavy right now

Last time i went to the psychiatric emergency unit, i said to the nurses - “i don’t exist. I vanished into myself”

They answered that since I had been able to find the way and walk 6 kilometers to tell them I didn’t exist, I was probably psychotic.

Then they put me in a closed ward. The clinical records from the hospital says: “The patient pace around looking astonished at his own body”


I can relate, but cannot say. Something about becoming literate enough to use the language to communicate.


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